Goodbye to DadI’m a lot like you, busy being a wife who keeps her household running and toilet paper stocked.  In between my passion of writing for you and working with impoverished women in Wilmington, where I live, I clean my house, sort of.  I cook meals just often enough to keep my skills.  I work in the yard occasionally to keep my neighbors from complaining.  And although I do like to have a routine and purposefully build quiet time into my life, I just have to roll with what God puts in my path.

“We all pray for a harvest, for God to give the blessing of bounty.  But, when the harvest comes and he gives us everything we’ve asked for, we complain.  It’s easy to forget that harvest is a whole lot of work,” Michelle Cushatt quotes a very wise friend in her book, Undone.

Harvest can be work and blessing can come in different forms.

Since January, things have been taking off all over the place.  The blog migration happened and my learning curve wasn’t too painful.  I hoped to help you by launching, Unlock Your Libido: 52-Week Sex Drive Transformation.

God’s message through OysterBed7 is starting to reach further.  I just completed a video message for the Wisdom for Wives econference, When Porn Shows Up at Your House.


A blue sky wonderful day

God’s blessing my family with growth.  My house burgeoned with relatives for a week.  Because, my middle son (one of the twins) was married in a blue sky wonderful day to a stunning beauty.  God is swelling my heart with more people to love!  Ironically, my new dil and I share the same birthdate a week after the wedding.

However, since January, I haven’t been able to give you much new meaty content.

Please know that God’s ministry here isn’t about me but your growth toward steamier capability and a healthier marriage bed. 

It may be a few weeks longer before I can truly get back in the saddle.

God’s allowed my family one more blessing.

In the early morning hours of Good Friday, Jesus welcomed my father home.  He released my father from the chains of his invalid body.  This is a blessing of a different kind.


My sister and our handsome dad.

My sister wrote this about my father, “…Blessed beyond understanding, I sit proudly reflecting on my Dad’s life of 89awesome years. He never stopped teaching me about life and today, as he left this life for paradise, I learned one more. Steadfast love of the Lord, family, and friends is all that really matters. For most of us, all we can ever hope to impart to this world are positive thoughts, feelings, or emotions unto those we touch along the way. Despite his infirmity, his lighthearted humor and positive attitude kept those around him wondering “who was taking care of who?”

I don’t have much to offer you in the way of insight into low-libido right now.  Grief is a weird thing for me.  I recognize it from when my mom died in 2006.  Sometimes, I want to be in my husband’s arms and sometimes I just want to be alone with him near enough to hear me call.  Fortunately, I know that this will be a brief season.

Even though my pop’s homecoming isn’t a source of devastation, this new reality will still take some adjustment.


My parents, 1946