Why have I been posting unusual music offerings every Wednesday?
According to a Stony Brook University study, variety and excitement are the cornerstones of marital satisfaction.
I found that when a song I’d never heard before played on Pandora during a rendezvous (and I liked the music), the ‘fun factor’ and ‘heat quotient’ fluttered to a higher level. In other words, the new music did something for me! Stony Brook University’s findings are right on track.
That is why I am offering you different types of music to sample. You may not like all the selections, and that’s fine. However, something may surprise you in a good way. Listen with an open mind.
I welcome music suggestions, please email me at pearlmail3@gmail.com.
For today’s consideration:
Sacred Spirit
Chants and Dances of the Native Americans
Some devices won’t open the video. Here is the direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK_0dzhLBio
Links to previous Bedroom Soundtracks: