Wanna hear a not-so-secret tip to boost sexual desire and arousal?
Get healthy. I know, don’t be underwhelmed. You were expecting stellar insight or at least a funny twist. It’s not profound, but it’s true.
Specifically, tone up, shed pounds, eat less processed foods, get rid of soda. I say shed as opposed to losing pounds, because you really never want to find them, again.
It’s the simplest of concepts.
Close Your Lips and Move Your Hips (i.e. Eat Less, Move More).
If it’s so simple, why is it so hard to follow through? Because, there are a couple more steps that many people are unaware. If you’re like me, you’ll be relieved to know it doesn’t involve a lot of willpower.
Cleanse your mind.
Lose the Guilt (usually those trips end at the fridge….)
Don’t shame yourself about your past binges and habits. You can’t shame to reclaim! You can’t motivate anyone, especially yourself, effectively through shame/guilt/fear/criticism.
Each moment has a reset button. If two seconds ago you were emotionally eating, then you have the rest of the day to make better choices. If yesterday, you decided not to exercise then walk the dogs today. Just look forward.
Be patient (don’t be hasty, even if it’s tasty)
Initially, there may be some willpower needed as you tolerate moderate hunger and achiness from a new movement regimen. Getting your body and mind synchronized for the journey takes a week or two or three. But, willpower will not be the determining factor of your success!! It’s only a small part.
When you hit the point of being rewarded by:
clarity of mind,
strength or balance improvement,
a number loss on the scales or in your waistband,
you’ll be more inclined to keep up the good habits.
Forget no pain/no gain. The truth of the matter is, “Do the gains and rewards overshadow the pain of effort?” The technical term is positive feedback loop. Are you receiving enough positive from your body and mind to withstand the negatives and sacrifices of developing a new habit?
GAINS – PAINS = Continued Motivation
Celebrate (but not with a twinkie)
Celebrating the smallest achievement is important. Gains seem enormous when we allow ourselves to celebrate. Blow bubbles or put away $10 at each celebration moment so that you can buy a new sports bra. Without a good sports bra, the gains may not outweigh the pains.
Set-Backs (don’t let them derail you)
They are going to happen, be prepared. This also goes under the heading of releasing guilt. Don’t beat yourself up. Reset the button and keep looking forward.
This past winter was brutal for me. I had successfully kept my weight off for 3 years. But, the wine tastings and the Christmas goodies started a habit that nearly made me to revert to old familiar ways. The Lord tapped my shoulder as the numbers inched up on the scales and the clothes inched smaller. Regrouping was necessary. Recommitting was necessary.
Pray when you begin your journey for guidance
Pray to be cleansed of any guilt and shame you feel regarding food.
Pray for patience (Are you thinking what I’m thinking? I’m always hesitant to pray for this, usually get ample opportunity to practice it!)
Pray for your rewards to outweigh your pains
Pray for eyes to see where you can celebrate!
Pray to be prepared for set-backs and for his resilience.
Pray you can feel God’s presence while you are on this journey.
Carrying extra pounds is directly related to Google’s #1 health related search in 2019, how to lower blood pressure. As I mentioned in Am I Shallow, there are many consequences to carrying around too much weight. If unchecked, it can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. There has even been a correlation found between obesity and certain cancers. Obesity can lead to low libido and a general low satisfaction with life.
I truly believe that whatever you weigh or look like, you are still beautiful. And, here I am touting weight loss? I’m not writing to meet society’s standards. I’m inspired because of older friends who are now suffering from health complications due to weight.
You are not your weight! You were beautifully handcrafted by the Top Designer. Your weight doesn’t define you, only Christ defines you! Through him you will become a new creation.
Other Resources
A Healthy Weight is not a Skinny Weight
How to Succeed in Losing Weight
4 Ways Exercise Can Enhance Your Libido – Calm.Healthy.Sexy
The Biggest Loser is a Big Fat Lie (The Myth of Willpower) – fitocracy
My friend, you know how much I love, love, love this post! “Each moment has a reset button. If two seconds ago you were emotionally eating, then you have the rest of the day to make better choices.” This is so true! We tend to beat ourselves up about previous unhealthy choices, rather than moving forward with healthy choices. It doesn’t matter where we are starting, we can ALL make choices – beginning right now – that will benefit our health, our marriage, our libido – everything!
Thx, G. You are right, it doesn’t matter where you are starting. Just make one little decision. This post was inspired from so many of my older friends starting to have health complications due to weight.