13 Ways My Husband Influenced My Sex Drive

13 Ways My Husband Influenced My Sex Drive

Although my intended audience is low-libido wives, recently a husband left this comment, “I read your blog to help me understand my no drive wife…..….There is no hope after so many years of this.   I know everyone’s different but any insight into what your husband did...
The Peaceful Wife Book Review

The Peaceful Wife Book Review

Are you in a marriage that’s been struggling for awhile?  Like, since day 1? Do your marriage dynamics fall into the general category of dominant wife married to a passive husband?  If so then, April Cassidy’s book, The Peaceful Wife; living in submission to Christ as...
Being the Ardent Lover

Being the Ardent Lover

When “I Love My High Drive Sisters,” published there was positive reaction from my high drive readers.  Why would a low-libido blog have high drive readers?  High drive wives have a tough time finding their virtual community, so they land here in desperation because I...

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