Music for the Romantic Bedroom

Music for the Romantic Bedroom

Offering you samples of eclectic music to enjoy and consider for your personal lovemaking playlist: John Legend:  You & I (Nobody in the World) Some devices won’t open the video clip.  Here is the link: If this is your first time visiting OysterBed7,...
Perfecting Imperfect

Perfecting Imperfect

If you read Tuesday’s post, you know we celebrate 28 years of marriage this week.   It’s official, for more than half of our lives, we’ve totally baffled each other.   As much as I’d like to say I’ve perfected wife-dom, the only thing I do perfectly is imperfection.  ...
Relentless Love

Relentless Love

A divorced man at church made this comment to us, “I want my next marriage to be just like y’all’s, best friends,” I commenced to tell him how hard we worked at being ‘best friends.’  For a while, we weren’t friends at all.  We nearly destroyed our marriage.  We work...

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