How A Husband Can Help
All wives are unique and wonderful, but some have not yet achieved orgasm or have a very difficult time with arousal. Here is my advice for husbands of beautiful nearly-there women. After yesterday’s post, I know y’all are waiting for me to unveil the secret to...
Orgasms Make You Squeamish? It’s OK To Explore Your Body
Orgasms make you squeamish? If you are pre-orgasmic or have achieved orgasm but arousal is difficult, it is perfectly OK for you to feel agitated or annoyed when this subject comes up. I hear you, “Doesn’t the world focus on this enough, even the Christian sex...
O Explore: International Day of the Female Orgasm
Friday, August 8, is the International Day of the Female Orgasm (IDFO) IDFO was established in 2007 by José Arimatéia Dantas Lacerda, a Councilman in the town of Esperantina, Brazil. According to the Huffington Post, he was paying a ‘sexual debt’ he owed his wife. ...