Healthy godly sexuality
OysterBed7 Blog

Do You Know What a Healthy Marriage and Sex Life Looks Like?
While my young adult kids were here over the Christmas holiday, they binge watched a BBC show called, The Great British Bake-Off. You’ve probably seen it. Having a sweet tooth the size of a baked Alaska, I nearly can’t be in the same room when it’s on. It...
Finding Fun This Fall
My sister told me today (via text) that she could tell my heart was lighter because I was being silly (I was complaining there aren’t any good pickle emoji’s). She’s right, my heart is lighter! I’ll tell you why in a bit… First, let’s think about having a light...
Defining Pornography
This has not been an easy week for me because the discussion of pornography is everywhere. Porn was a thorn in our marriage for awhile. The founder of Playboy, the magazine that made the objectification of the female form more publicly acceptable, passed away a few...
We Need Your Help. If you have listened to our podcast, Sex Chat for Christian Wives, and it has helped your marriage, we would love to hear from you. Our podcast development team needs testimonials! The testimonials will not be made public. They are for a special...
Queefing 101
About 7 years ago, I was having a chat in Facebook comments (before Messenger) with a High School friend. She mentioned how in 7th grade gym we all nearly had seizures holding in laughter because someone ‘queefed.’ Then, my ignorance came out. I said that my sons’...
2 Minutes to Lifting Low Libido and Finding Your Inner Wonder Woman
Who doesn’t love a tip to lift low-libido that takes only 2 minutes?!? Seriously, only 2 minutes and with very little effort, you can de-stress and feel more relaxed and confident in the bedroom on a physiological level. I especially love it when a sex drive...
Virgin Bride Asks How to Avoid Pain
Do you have the same kind of questions as this bride? “I’m about to get married next month and I have no clue about sex. What do I do? What will it feel like? Even though I had the sex talk in school, it still all seems very mysterious to me. I’m a virgin. Plus,...