Healthy godly sexuality
OysterBed7 Blog

Now is the Perfect Time to Unlock Your Libido!
Now is the perfect time to unlock your libido! It doesn't take a magic eight ball to predict you have heard A LOT about resolutions and goals in the past few days since New Year's was just a week ago. My expertise lies in helping ladies "of a certain resolution." ...
Virgin Bride Wedding Night Tips: What Do I Do? What Will It Feel Like?
Do you have the same kind of questions as this sweet young friend? “I’m about to get married next month and I have no clue about sex. What do I do? What will it feel like? Even though I had the sex talk in school, it still all seems very mysterious to me. ...
Virgin Bride, Flip Your Mental Switch About Sex From No To Yes
Do you have the same kind of questions as this sweet young friend? “I’m about to get married next month and I have no clue about sex. What do I do? What will it feel like? Even though I had the sex talk in school, it still all seems very mysterious to me. I’m a...
I’m Just Not In-Love With Him (Sexual Interest Masterclass)
In my last post, How to Arouse Sexual Desire Through Emotional Connection, I explained how my sexual interest is driven by the emotional connection Dave and I have. If you are a low-libido wife, I want to help you understand this concept. I’m also asking husbands to...
How to Arouse Sexual Desire through Emotional Connection
Welcome to the Sexual Interest Masterclass. This is the introductory post of a series to help marriages with mismatched sex drives. I’m driven by my emotional libido more than my physical libido. Most of us want to experience the raw, burning passion of sexual heat. ...
Life Outside the OysterBed7 (5th Blogversary)
Life outside of the OysterBed for 2016-2017. Personal Life I hesitate to write anything about my life for the past 12 months because I’m afraid the negativity will have you running for funnier and possibly more profound blogs. Have you ever uprooted a healthy,...
News from the Podcast (
5 years ago, when I first hit publish, I never dreamed I’d be learning words like pop filter, boom stand, and Libsyn. I had visions of one day speaking into a microphone on stage, not in my closet! I never anticipated sitting around a virtual kitchen table through...