Healthy godly sexuality
OysterBed7 Blog

Team Work Makes the Dream Work (and how the 59 “One Another” Bible Passages can help your sex life)
Disclaimers This post is intended for marriages where both spouses are good-willed, even if sexless. When in conflict, at times, your spouse may be grumpy and behave badly, just as you probably do. At each of your cores, however, you are loving and have only good...
Sex Chat for Christian Wives, a Podcast – Live on 2/14/17!
Sex Chat for Christian Wives is about to go live on Valentine’s Day and there’s a surprise for you at the end of this post! I just wanted to remind you of my exciting new collaboration with Chris Taylor of The Forgiven Wife, J. Parker of Hot, Holy &...
Move Mismatched Sex Drives Toward Better
The whole reason this blog is in existence is because Dave and I survived over a decade of mismatched sex drives. I say, “Survived!” because at times it felt like a war. What’s a mismatched sex drive? Basically, one spouse wants to make love with a whole lot more...
Sexercise – Exercise boosts libido
OK, don’t hate me. But, I have to say a dirty 8 letter word…EXERCISE. Believe it or not, exercise helped me find my sex drive. I reluctantly embraced exercise and the only reason is because I was in a downward spiral. My lifestyle had to change. I felt...
Find Peace So You Can Find Orgasm
Dr. Gert Holstege, of the University of Groningen, scanned the brains of 13 women while they experienced the ultimate moment of orgasm. He confirmed what we already know through instinct. Fear, stress, and alertness completely shut off during our climactic...
Sex Chat for Christian Wives – a new podcast!
It's been so hard to keep a lid on this! We weren't ready until now to tell you about our new podcast, Sex Chat for Christian Wives. I’m gathering with three of my closest blogging friends, Chris Taylor of The Forgiven Wife, J. Parker of Hot, Holy &...
Gratitude – A Simple Way to Improve Sex Drive
Your interest in sex is shaped by everything that goes on outside of the bedroom. Gratitude is an attitude that can improve your sex drive by helping you to emotionally desire to make love with your husband. Gratitude is an emotional connection that can help you move...