Healthy godly sexuality
OysterBed7 Blog

Personal Lubricant 101 (a.k.a. There’s No Slip Without The Slide)
(This post, shockingly, contains affiliate links. *wink*) “You are a garden fountain, a well of flowing water streaming down from Lebanon,” Solomon says as he admires his bride (SOS 4:15). The best lovemaking has just enough blissful friction to allow sexual tension...
Christmas Posts from the Past
Are you in the thick of Christmas celebration? I sure am! We completed furnishing our new home in Florida last week, just in the nick of time for our Christmas “presents” to arrive. Our grown children are filling up our guest bedrooms. With each child’s arrival, my...
With 1 Simple Thing to Turn on Sexual Arousal and Intensify Orgasm
The simple and sneaky exercise called a "kegel" is a key player in sexual arousal and orgasm enhancement. In 1948, Dr. Arnold Kegel, a California gynecologist, developed a treatment for urinary incontinence that is known today simply as a “kegel.” This treatment...
When Emotional Pain Drives You to Mental Murder
When he’s ticked you off to the point that you don’t care if he lives or dies, what if he did die? Emotional pain drives us to do and think things we will later regret. Seeing the biggest picture puts our pain in perspective. If you have been fantasizing about what...
Vicks VapoRub Does NOT Enhance Sex Drive
Puerta Rican grandmothers are right about a lot of things but not Vicks VapoRub. It’s time I to dispel the myth the elder generation in certain ethnic communities promote. Vicks VapoRub is not a universal miracle cure and it does not increase your sex drive! “Does...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, my friend! I’ve mostly whined to you about the events of 2016. I’m going to turn my frown upside down by thinking of my losses in a positive way. I know that I have MUCH to be thankful for this season. I am so thankful I don’t have to take myself...
His Emotional Needs are Wrapped up in Sexual Intimacy with You
As Dave and I began to mend our broken marriage, we pleaded with God for help. Apparently, God heard our urgency because he started to do some unveiling. He let me peek into Dave’s heart. For a brief moment, I laid aside my perceptions of sex and saw Dave’s...