Healthy godly sexuality

OysterBed7 Blog

What’s Holding You Back from Passionate Sex?

Would you join me in welcoming, Julie Sibert, to Oysterbed7?  Julie's blog, Intimacy in Marriage, was one of the first Christian sex blogs that I began reading.  Her authenticity and humor helped me understand that words like, "Christian," and, "Sexy," can be used in...

The Heart of the Bikini Clad

The Heart of the Bikini Clad

‘Tis Summer.  Hoards of people blanket the beach, lots of them in bikinis.  My home is in a warm weather climate where shorts, flip flops, and tank tops are worn year round.  Frankly, the heat is unbearable if you wear much more. Modesty levels can be affected by...

Feeling stuck in finding your sexual self? Want tailored help for your situation?

I can help you move forward.

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