Healthy godly sexuality
OysterBed7 Blog

Friendship 101: Just Talk (or the art of conversation)
Here's why building a friendship is so important for wives with low sex drive. "Emotional libido" is a term I use sometimes to describe a wife's desire to be sexual based upon her emotional connection to her husband. It is not physical sensation, but an emotional...
Love, Romance, and Essential Oils
Recently, I virtually attended a class that explored the relationship between love, romance, and essential oils. The facilitator was so knowledgeable that I invited her to share with you! Essential oils may or may not be of interest to you. Either way, please...
Mother’s Day Thorns
Recently, I learned a little more about my entrance into the world. Dad directed a strange statement my way during the last year of his life. Uninhibited by the stroke he said, “I’m sure glad we kept you.” At first I thought he was just teasing, but soon realized...
Is Shame Causing your Low Sex Drive?
Welcome Keelie from I'm so grateful she's taken the time to address a sensitive low-libido topic - shame. Maybe you will relate to some of what she has to say. Keelie is a sincere and sweet wife who truly wants to help marriages grow....
Is God Calling You to a Land of Sexual Intention?
The call of Abraham has been on my mind a lot lately. Genesis 12 tells us about this guy, Abram, who lives in the land of Ur. God instructs Abram to pack up and leave. While in Ur, before the summons to leave, it seems Abram prospered. He accumulated possessions and...
Say the Magic Word!
Love and Robinson, authors of Hot Monogamy, state that couples who can converse together comfortably about their sex life rate their sex life as more satisfying. The Forgiven Wife has started a new series, Stepping out of your Comfort Zone. In Friday’s post she...
Counterparts – a small study on ezer k’negdo (Genesis 2:18)
A small study on ezer k'negdo, the Hebrew word that is typically translated as helpmeet in Genesis 2:18. Let’s look at some Bible verses. Please stick with me. Ezer The word I want you to look for in each section is help. The Hebrew word for help in each verse below...