Healthy godly sexuality
OysterBed7 Blog
Depression and Sexual Interest
The loss of sexual interest is one of depression’s symptoms. Lots of people suffer from depression, yet, keep quiet about it. It is good to be mindful of all of this as the northern hemisphere heads into winter. Beginning September 22nd, the days shorten and the...
Don’t Bash What You Hate, Promote What You Love
Don’t Bash What You Hate, Promote What You Love. This simple slogan is how we put Philippians 4:8 into action. “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or...
Hidden Libido Treasure in Michele Weiner-Davis Video
I’m sorry I’ve been MIA. If you follow me on twitter or facebook, you may have seen some posts regarding our relocation to FL. Yep, we are moving further south. Good thing my blood is already pretty thin and tolerates heat well. Our moving preparations had...
Is Low Sex Drive Destroying Sex in Your Marriage?
Before I began sharing my low-libido journey publicly at OysterBed7, Julie Sibert’s Intimacy in Marriage was regular reading for me. I love her wit and her wisdom. She’s genuine about the good, the messy, and the miraculous of sexual intimacy. I...
Limitless Sex Drive is Available
Since January, everywhere I turn this verse appears. 2 Kings 4:5, “…They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring.”” This passage (2 Kings 4:1-7) tells of a wife left to manage when her husband died leaving a large debt. His creditor was seeking repayment through...
April Cassidy, “Unlock Your Libido,” Review, 31 Days to a Better Marriage and Blog Guidelines
New Review of, "Unlock Your Libido." April Cassidy, author of, has taken the time to read and review, “Unlock Your Libido: 52-Week Sex Drive Transformation.” I’m so grateful she has penned her candid opinion about my thoughts on improving sex...
Flirt with your Husband (12 SFW text messages)
Safe For Work (SFW) flirty texts are a great way to stay connected with your man. SFW is not to be confused with NSFW, Not Safe For Work. NSFW is anything inappropriate in a professional setting or that you would be embarrassed for your grandmother to see. To...