Healthy godly sexuality
OysterBed7 Blog

Deeper Spiritual Intimacy, Richer Sexual Intimacy
Healthy marriage, healthy sex life with the one-another passages. Do you allow your spouse to point you toward Christ when you get off course? If you are not open to this kind of encouragement, may I suggest you do a little introspection? Why are you not open to...
A Feast for your Senses
Sometimes, perking up low sexual drive is just a matter of remembering how to tap into your senses. If sexual intimacy is something you struggle with, thinking about being a sensual woman may be overwhelming. You wonder what the big deal is about being sensual? When...
Depression and Sexual Interest
The loss of sexual interest is one of depression’s symptoms. Lots of people suffer from depression, yet, keep quiet about it. It is good to be mindful of all of this as the northern hemisphere heads into winter. Beginning September 22nd, the days shorten and the...
Perspective Helps Anxiety
In the previous post, Stress and Sex, I pointed out that stress not only feels oppressive but actually affects us physically with the release of stress hormones. One of the top five reasons women complain of lack of sexual interest is due to stress and anxiety....
Why Stress Affects Sex and What To Do About It
There is a lot of unrest in the world, so you may live in an area where life threatening situations are a reality. But, there are also a lot of areas in the world where peace is the norm and stress is more of our own making. I’m going to guess that you live...
Why Does He Watch Porn? Understanding Root Causes
Remember that tv show, House? Dr. House and his staff dug deep beyond the obvious to root out the cause for strange medical problems. It’s one of my top 10 all-time favorite tv shows because it (almost) always answers my favorite question, "Why?" To truly heal a...
Friendship 101
I’ve talked a lot recently about building a better friendship in your marriage in order for sexual interest to grow. To some, the thought of building a better friendship to grow sexual interest is completely unsexy and boring. Most want to talk about loins growing...