Hey Beautiful: For High Drive Wives
Anne Atwell’s voice is here to encourage my high drive readers, and to allow low-libido wives direct insight. I think it’s very important that the sisterhood of Christian women support each other. We do that by understanding we are all different and yet we...
Ta-Ta Touch
Body awareness is being in tune with your senses, muscles, alignment, aches, pains and pleasure. In dance, it is important to be mindful about your body to create the visual, moving art. In exercise and dance, it’s important to know your limits so that you don’t...
Not So Secret
Wanna hear a not-so-secret tip to boost sexual desire and arousal? Get healthy. I know, don’t be underwhelmed. You were expecting stellar insight or at least a funny twist. It’s not profound, but it’s true. Specifically, tone up, shed pounds, eat less...
I’ve never met a diamond I didn’t like. From colorless, blue, red, canary, and now ‘chocolate,’ diamonds come in all colors. Some are more transparent than others.Are any of them too big? Ideally, diamonds are chemically pure, only made of...