Words of Wisdom from Books
I am a member of the Christian Marriage Blogger’s Association. In the month of October, we have been challenged to share Words of Wisdom we’ve learned from: Family, Bible, Friends, Blogs & Books. Today, I share wisdom I learned from books (blogs...
Words of Wisdom: Why I worked harder to understand sex
I am a member of the Christian Marriage Blogger’s Association. In the month of October, we have been challenged to share Words of Wisdom we’ve learned from: Family, Bible, Friends, Blogs & Books. Today, I share wisdom I learned from friends. A couple of...
Finding Wisdom Elsewhere
Hello, friend! Are you finding any tidbits of inspiration at 31 Days to a Better Marriage? I hope that you are following me on facebook to receive the daily links! I also hope that you have been reading the Christian Marriage Blogger Association writing...
Words of Wisdom: Food Equals Love
I am a member of the Christian Marriage Blogger’s Association. We have been challenged with four writing prompts for the month of October. Words of wisdom from Family, the Bible, Friends, and Books & Blogs. Today, I respond to the first prompt: Words of Wisdom...