Where Did My Sexy Go?
The elusive female libido. Most people think that a young wife has no trouble with libido. Which isn’t necessarily true. Numbers are beginning to say it isn’t uncommon for the 18-30 year old female to suffer low libido. For married ladies with or...
3 Ways for a Young Mom to Feel More Sensual
If you have little ones, you know that toddler laughter creates world peace and their stubbornness creates epic upheaval. Because toddlers mimic the behavior of their favorite adults, you can’t wait to thank your sister for introducing your...
Should You Consider Flibanserin? (Will I be taking it?)
Since the FDA advisory committee voted to recommend approval of Flibanserin (brand name, Addyi) with an 18 to 6 vote on, June 4, 2015, I’m re-publishing this, November, 2014, post. The next step toward full FDA approval and subsequent availability through...
Sleepin’ is Sexy
We’ve slept in some strange beds. My husband, a.ka. Mr. Muscle’s, business took us to Madrid, Spain, for a week. We managed to avoid the austerity protesting. We did not avoid witnessing the horrible effects of 25% unemployment. His iPhone was stolen and...