My Husband’s Big Belly Turns Me Off. Am I Shallow?
I recently received this message. It’s a good one to consider because obesity is a national problem and a problem that affects marriage in a real way. [info_box type=”alert_box”]“Dear Bonny, I struggle with my desire for sex with my husband because...
How to Succeed in Losing Weight
In A Healthy Weight is not a Skinny Weight, we discussed how a healthy weight can improve your desire to be sexual. We also worked through simple numbers of weight loss. Numbers are neutral. Numbers have no power. The plain truth is, for a lot of us, emotions are...
A Healthy Weight is not a Skinny Weight
The Christmas and New Year “cheer” I ate and drank is starting to make a home on my hips (where I generally put weight on first). I can’t cross my legs comfortably and my bra is squeezing like a boa constrictor. Not only are my clothes a little snug, but...