Why Knowing Your Low Drive Wife’s Love Language is Important
Just as low drive (LD) wives often don’t understand the high drive (HD) spouses’ deep hunger for sexual intimacy. Usually, the HD spouse doesn’t understand the LD’s spouse craving for non-sexual things like positive words, acts of service, and touch that does not...
His Emotional Needs are Wrapped up in Sexual Intimacy with You
As Dave and I began to mend our broken marriage, we pleaded with God for help. Apparently, God heard our urgency because he started to do some unveiling. He let me peek into Dave’s heart. For a brief moment, I laid aside my perceptions of sex and saw Dave’s...
Reception Essentials?
At the most recent June wedding we attended, I was brought to tears by a tenor when he hit the high note in Mollette’s arrangement of “The Lord’s Prayer.” My goosebumps continued when the bells of the cathedral chimed for the newly minted “Mr. & Mrs.” We retired...
I like to know, “Why?” And I lean toward the scientific side. When my libido did a Houdini and disappeared, I wondered whether I’d ever again physically yearn for sex and questioned why a libido was necessary? I went as far to question why sex was even...