25 Ways to Serve Your Spouse and Grow Sexual Interest
Healthy Marriage, Healthy Sex Life with the One-Another Passages. This is part of a series to improve your relationship outside of the bedroom which directly effects sexual interest in sexually engaging for a wife who has low desire in sexual intimacy (a.k.a. low...
Check Your Pride and Grow Sexual Interest
Healthy Marriage, Healthy Sex Life, with the one-another passages. How to build a better sex life. I overheard a conversation between two women about a week before Valentine’s Day. The one asked the other, “Am I horrible that I feel if my hubby really loved me, he’d...
Deeper Spiritual Intimacy, Richer Sexual Intimacy
Healthy marriage, healthy sex life with the one-another passages. Do you allow your spouse to point you toward Christ when you get off course? If you are not open to this kind of encouragement, may I suggest you do a little introspection? Why are you not open to...
Friendship Builds Sexual Interest
Healthy marriage, healthy sex life with the one another passages. Because some of us haven’t really seen a healthy marriage or we came into marriage with expectations that weren’t realistic, every Sunday throughout 2020, we will discuss what goes into...