Becoming We
Healthy marriages, typically, have a healthy sex life. What if you didn’t grow up in a house with a healthy marriage or it was only partly healthy? Last week, I announced that each Sunday I will be posting about the ingredients that make up a healthy marriage with...
My Husband’s Big Belly Turns Me Off. Am I Shallow?
I recently received this message. It’s a good one to consider because obesity is a national problem and a problem that affects marriage in a real way. [info_box type=”alert_box”]“Dear Bonny, I struggle with my desire for sex with my husband because...
Now is the Perfect Time to Unlock Your Libido!
Now is the perfect time to unlock your libido! It doesn’t take a magic eight ball to predict you have heard A LOT about resolutions and goals in the past few days since New Year’s was just a week ago. My expertise lies in helping ladies “of a...
A New Sex Drive for a New Decade
At any point in the year, you can decide to make a change. I, personally, like that there is a focus on change as the New Year rolls in. There is a little added motivation and support when lots of people are talking about the same thing. Band wagons aren’t...