Pare Christmas Down to Four Priorities
Right behind body image, stress and exhaustion are low sex drive culprits. Our bodies, souls, and minds weren’t designed for the bombardment of continual stimulation Christmas season gives us. Say no to say yes. So, as we look December straight in the eye, I want to...
10 Christmas Conversation Starters For Couples
Not everyone is a chatty conversationalist. But, I believe it is very important even for the most introverted person to communicate verbally to their spouse. How can they know you if you don’t talk (and texting only counts if you’re Stephen Hawking). Conversation...
Finding Gratefulness
I am so grateful for you! Not only do you open up my sporadic posts and read them, you click over to the podcast and you leave kind words on both. If you find my words helpful, God gets all the glory for that! Most of all, thank you for making your marriage and...
Courage After Sexual Harassment: What To Do After #metoo
If you listen to this week’s podcast, (a #metoo response) you’ll hear that I’ve been dealing with sexual harassment, in some form, since I was 4 years old. Although I don’t recount my entire life on the podcast (the link is at the end of this post), my...