Queefing 101
About 7 years ago, I was having a chat in Facebook comments (before Messenger) with a High School friend. She mentioned how in 7th grade gym we all nearly had seizures holding in laughter because someone ‘queefed.’ Then, my ignorance came out. I said that my sons’...
2 Minutes to Lifting Low Libido and Finding Your Inner Wonder Woman
Who doesn’t love a tip to lift low-libido that takes only 2 minutes?!? Seriously, only 2 minutes and with very little effort, you can de-stress and feel more relaxed and confident in the bedroom on a physiological level. I especially love it when a sex drive...
I’m Just Not In-Love With Him (Sexual Interest Masterclass)
In my last post, How to Arouse Sexual Desire Through Emotional Connection, I explained how my sexual interest is driven by the emotional connection Dave and I have. If you are a low-libido wife, I want to help you understand this concept. I’m also asking husbands to...
How to Arouse Sexual Desire through Emotional Connection
Welcome to the Sexual Interest Masterclass. This is the introductory post of a series to help marriages with mismatched sex drives. I’m driven by my emotional libido more than my physical libido. Most of us want to experience the raw, burning passion of sexual heat. ...