His Emotional Needs are Wrapped up in Sexual Intimacy with You
As Dave and I began to mend our broken marriage, we pleaded with God for help. Apparently, God heard our urgency because he started to do some unveiling. He let me peek into Dave’s heart. For a brief moment, I laid aside my perceptions of sex and saw Dave’s...
Set-Backs Aren’t Stop Signs
Christian Marriage Bloggers are writing about this picture above during the month of October. Instead of first seeing passion in the red umbrella above, I see a big ol’ stop sign! I used to see conflict as a stop sign to my libido. Then I learned…....
My Husband’s Offence Felt Like a Mountain in Front of Me
With permission, I am sharing a true story of Christ’s redemption. This marriage seemed irreconcilable from the world’s point of view. However, this husband and wife chose to operate through God’s point of view. It’s a great honor to share Mel’s story. She and her...
Smiling is Sexy
The Great Smiling Experiment As a teenage clerk at JCPenney, I was snapped at many times by grumpy, impatient Christmas shoppers. Because of this, I try to be thoughtful of store clerks especially during the holiday season. Interacting with one exceptionally dour...