Too Sick for Sex?
Fleur left this comment on 5 Questions to Create a Sexual Encounter Schedule; “I am generally not a refuser and I would say my spouse and I generally have sex around three times a week. I wonder if you could clarify “my head kinda hurts or I’m tired” or...
5 Questions to Create a Sexual Encounter Schedule
Although my intended audience is low-libido wives, after answering a curious husband’s question on 13 Ways My Husband Influenced My Sex Drive, another husband has emailed me with a question. He says, “I’ve sent my wife a couple of your articles recently. They have...
Apples Whet Sexual Appetite
Could this be why tradition links the Garden of Eden’s forbidden fruit with apples and sex? Apples have the ability to sexually stimulate arousal in women according to Italian researchers. Their 2014 findings were published in the journal of Archives of...
Love, Romance, and Essential Oils
Recently, I virtually attended a class that explored the relationship between love, romance, and essential oils. The facilitator was so knowledgeable that I invited her to share with you! Essential oils may or may not be of interest to you. Either way, please...