Counterparts – a small study on ezer k’negdo (Genesis 2:18)
A small study on ezer k’negdo, the Hebrew word that is typically translated as helpmeet in Genesis 2:18. Let’s look at some Bible verses. Please stick with me. Ezer The word I want you to look for in each section is help. The Hebrew word for help in each verse...
Take a Little Grit and Become a Pearl
People have asked me why I named this blog OysterBed7. Even though I write about sex a lot, it had little to do with being an aphrodisiac and much to do with lustrous pearls. When a piece of grit (sand or bacteria) annoys an oyster, the oyster secretes...
Holy Permission
This is week 30 of Unlock Your Libido: 52-week Sex Drive Transformation. This introductory post explains what it’s all about. I gave myself permission to do something I’ve never done before. It’s not something that is wrong. But, some people have a...
Sweet Juicy Tingle
“How do you get the tingly feeling back? I love my husband, love making love with him, but generally the feelings I have when he touches me is ‘safe/secure/comfortable,’ not the ‘new/exciting/tingling’ feelings,” asks a reader commenting on Week 6: Sex Drive...