Happy 4th Blogversary, OysterBed7!
4 years ago, March 2012, I started writing for the low sex drive Christian wife. There were several amazing Christian sex-positive blogs at that time, but none of them had a low libido wife’s perspective on the marriage bed. God purposed me to speak and write about...
13 Ways My Husband Influenced My Sex Drive
Although my intended audience is low-libido wives, recently a husband left this comment, “I read your blog to help me understand my no drive wife…..….There is no hope after so many years of this. I know everyone’s different but any insight into what your husband did...
DIY Edible Body Art
I love cake like some people love ice cream. One day, while decorating cupcakes with icing and sprinkles, it dawned on me that I could use icing to ‘glue’ little yummies to my body! (I don’t always think of sex, let alone sex while cooking, but when I do,...
3 Ways for a Young Mom to Feel More Sensual
If you have little ones, you know that toddler laughter creates world peace and their stubbornness creates epic upheaval. Because toddlers mimic the behavior of their favorite adults, you can’t wait to thank your sister for introducing your...