Permission to Feel Beautiful
For a long while I was not in a good place with sexual intimacy and part of the struggle was trying to reconcile the inner beauty/outer beauty mindset. Scripture seemed to tell me inner beauty was the only thing of value. However, my husband likes me wearing makeup...
I Love Gently Blunt Sex Conversations
Yesterday, we discussed how to approach a conversation about sexual intimacy. Why have this conversation if you are a low sex-drive spouse? As much as we low-libido’s like to deny it, sex really is part of a thriving marriage. If you keep avoiding sex,...
I Love Starting the Sex Conversation
There’s this marriage. One spouse is dying to get horizontal and the other is running to stay vertical. They both know that sex is a problem, yet have never had a sane discussion about it. Here’s the first step to turn a near sexless marriage into a...
I Love Laughter Leads to Sexual Interest
“Because he makes me laugh,” is one of the most common responses for why we fall in love. I love to laugh and wanted to laugh with my prat-falling, pun-meister, Dave, for the rest of our lives. I gasped, then laughed, the moment I first met Dave and he didn’t say a...