How to Succeed in Losing Weight
In A Healthy Weight is not a Skinny Weight, we discussed how a healthy weight can improve your desire to be sexual. We also worked through simple numbers of weight loss. Numbers are neutral. Numbers have no power. The plain truth is, for a lot of us, emotions are...
What’s Up with Unlock your Libido ebook?
Hi friend! I’m in the final stages of editing OysterBed7’s eBook, “Unlock Your Libido: 52 Week Sex Drive Transformation.” I have a confession. In 2013, when I started the series, I didn’t quite finish writing 52 selections. The 2015 weekly eCalendar will be fully...
First Steps in Battling Pornography
15 years ago, our marriage changed forever. My Christian husband’s secret was out. He was losing the battle with pornography and sexual compulsion. By the blood of Christ, the sweat of heavy honest discussions, and tears of forgiveness, our marriage has thrived. How...
Feet and Sex
No, this isn’t a post on foot fetish. However, it is a post that relates to why people may be drawn to feet as an erogenous zone in a purely biological arena. We low libido gals benefit from knowing how our neural wiring can influence sexual feelings. Since...