The Power of Prayer in your Sex Life
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Someone’s gotta go first,” in regards to making a change to improve an unhappy marriage? Well, I didn’t go first. Oh, I may have found the resources. However, my husband took the first steps. He showed me what true change...
Resolving to Improve your Libido?
New Year’s resolutions, especially about weight or improving low libido, usually reach dissolution by the time my birthday rolls around in March. That’s not to say everyone with a resolution will fail. But, I think we are setting ourselves up for failure when...
Tender of Heart
“Christmas is a time you get homesick, even when you’re at home,” Carol Nelson. I wouldn’t have understood that statement a few years ago. I wouldn’t have understood how your heart can become tender and wistful and nostalgic and yet, not desolate. I roll sweet...
Week 49: Fa La La La – Ahhh…
This is week 38 of Unlock Your Libido: 52-week Sex Drive Transformation. Read this introductory post to see what it’s all about. Today, be sure to read all the way down to the video. It’s my gift to you! At the International Symposium for...