Week 3: Ask, Seek, Knock to Unlock Sex Drive
This is Week 3 of a 52-Week series. To see the introduction and complete series, see this link, Unlock Your Libido: 52-Week Sex Drive Transformation. (Husbands, if you are reading, you are invited to pray these scriptures and thoughts over your wives.) WEEK 3:...
Week 2: Sex Drive Transformation for the Low Libido Wife (Cling)
This is week 2 of Unlock Your Libido: 52-week Sex Drive Transformation. Read this introductory post to see what it’s all about. If we, as wives with low sexual interest, continue to use our own judgment (based on our physical nature) for what makes a strong...
Introduction: 52-Week Sex Drive Transformation for the Low-Libido Wife
Our hearts play a huge role in our libido and our minds play a huge role. Put our hearts and minds together and you get an overall attitude. You also get the power to change. In 1985, Michael Scheier of Carnegie-Mellon University and Charles Carver, University of...
What My Husband’s Courage Looks Like and How It Helped My Sexual Interest
My husband, Dave (a.k.a. Mr. Muscle), is a guy’s guy. He loves to fish, hunt, and order alligator off the menu. He’s proficient at anything that involves projectiles traveling at enormous speeds, skeet shooting and Call of Duty respectively. He loves...