Smiling is Sexy
The Great Smiling Experiment As a teenage clerk at JCPenney, I was snapped at many times by grumpy, impatient Christmas shoppers. Because of this, I try to be thoughtful of store clerks especially during the holiday season. Interacting with one exceptionally dour...
The Heart of the Bikini Clad
‘Tis Summer. Hoards of people blanket the beach, lots of them in bikinis. My home is in a warm weather climate where shorts, flip flops, and tank tops are worn year round. Frankly, the heat is unbearable if you wear much more. Modesty levels can be affected by...
Hello, 2016!
Thanks for letting me whine yesterday in saying, ‘Farewell, 2015.’ Hello, 2016! I’ve seen two truths from coping with my stressful 2015 as a low-libido gal. First truth: Remain in constant contact with God and your husband. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and reduce...
Who Makes You Valuable
I’m not very valuable by the world’s standards. When I feel small, I feel scared. When I’m reminded where my true value lies, I feel courageous. When I’m feeling courageous, fear disappears and love starts to grow. Courage helps all areas of your life,...