I Love Learning to Pray for Sexual Intimacy
I would have rather slammed my pinky finger in the car door than to have talked about sex. The ‘talks’ my husband and I were having about sex, weren’t really ‘talks’ but anger fueled spats. We didn’t know how to have an actual conversation without it being...
A Window Into Orgasm: Introduction
Eyes are the window to your soul. I like that brief soul to soul connection of looking a newly met stranger straight in the eye. Eye color is beautiful to me. It’s the trait I remember most about people. No set of eyes are quite the same. Even my set of...
16 Ways To Pray For Depression When It Affects Your Marriage
The thing about depression is you can’t trust your feelings about your marriage, sex, and especially not where God is concerned. Sometimes it feels like he’s nowhere to be found. Trust God’s Word not your feelings. Leave your Bible in eyesight all the time. ...
The Power of Prayer in your Sex Life
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Someone’s gotta go first,” in regards to making a change to improve an unhappy marriage? Well, I didn’t go first. Oh, I may have found the resources. However, my husband took the first steps. He showed me what true change...