I Love Gently Blunt Sex Conversations
Yesterday, we discussed how to approach a conversation about sexual intimacy. Why have this conversation if you are a low sex-drive spouse? As much as we low-libido’s like to deny it, sex really is part of a thriving marriage. If you keep avoiding sex,...
I Love Starting the Sex Conversation
There’s this marriage. One spouse is dying to get horizontal and the other is running to stay vertical. They both know that sex is a problem, yet have never had a sane discussion about it. Here’s the first step to turn a near sexless marriage into a...
Here, Have a Laugh! (Tim Hawkins Video)
Yesterday: I Love Laughing Leads to Sexual Desire Today: Here, Have a Laugh! Yesterday, I talked about all the benefits of laughter. Did you know laughter and orgasm go hand in hand? What if you are having trouble pumping up laughter from the deep well of your...
I Love Laughter Leads to Sexual Interest
“Because he makes me laugh,” is one of the most common responses for why we fall in love. I love to laugh and wanted to laugh with my prat-falling, pun-meister, Dave, for the rest of our lives. I gasped, then laughed, the moment I first met Dave and he didn’t say a...