Apples Whet Sexual Appetite
Could this be why tradition links the Garden of Eden’s forbidden fruit with apples and sex? Apples have the ability to sexually stimulate arousal in women according to Italian researchers. Their 2014 findings were published in the journal of Archives of...
Love, Romance, and Essential Oils
Recently, I virtually attended a class that explored the relationship between love, romance, and essential oils. The facilitator was so knowledgeable that I invited her to share with you! Essential oils may or may not be of interest to you. Either way, please...
Sweet Juicy Tingle
“How do you get the tingly feeling back? I love my husband, love making love with him, but generally the feelings I have when he touches me is ‘safe/secure/comfortable,’ not the ‘new/exciting/tingling’ feelings,” asks a reader commenting on Week 6: Sex Drive...
Where Did My Sexy Go?
The elusive female libido. Most people think that a young wife has no trouble with libido. Which isn’t necessarily true. Numbers are beginning to say it isn’t uncommon for the 18-30 year old female to suffer low libido. For married ladies with or...