A New Sex Drive for a New Decade
At any point in the year, you can decide to make a change. I, personally, like that there is a focus on change as the New Year rolls in. There is a little added motivation and support when lots of people are talking about the same thing. Band wagons aren’t...
What’s Your Middle Name?
What words do you think of in regards to low libido or sexual interest? Ever thought about that? With the new year, I see questions everywhere asking, “Have you chosen a word?” or, “What’s your word this year?” (Back in 2012, Mike Ashcraft ,who preaches in...
Sweet Juicy Tingle
“How do you get the tingly feeling back? I love my husband, love making love with him, but generally the feelings I have when he touches me is ‘safe/secure/comfortable,’ not the ‘new/exciting/tingling’ feelings,” asks a reader commenting on Week 6: Sex Drive...
April Cassidy, “Unlock Your Libido,” Review, 31 Days to a Better Marriage and Blog Guidelines
New Review of, “Unlock Your Libido.” April Cassidy, author of peacefulwife.com, has taken the time to read and review, “Unlock Your Libido: 52-Week Sex Drive Transformation.” I’m so grateful she has penned her candid opinion about my thoughts on...