Giving Thanks for My Low Sex Drive Journey
I am grateful God said, “I am that I am.” He didn’t say, “I do that I do.” Who I AM and who you ARE is identity. What you DO is not your identity and not as important. I am grateful when I realized sexual intimacy is not a DO. Long gone is the phrase, “Let’s DO...
Kilts May Help Her Sex Drive?
(Although this post has affiliate links, I’m a wee bit Scottish and will always give you my honest opinion.) If there was a male version of Victoria’s Secret I would want it to sell kilts. There is something about seeing a kilt-wearing man that produces little...
Words of Wisdom: Why I worked harder to understand sex
I am a member of the Christian Marriage Blogger’s Association. In the month of October, we have been challenged to share Words of Wisdom we’ve learned from: Family, Bible, Friends, Blogs & Books. Today, I share wisdom I learned from friends. A couple of...
Feet and Sex
No, this isn’t a post on foot fetish. However, it is a post that relates to why people may be drawn to feet as an erogenous zone in a purely biological arena. We low libido gals benefit from knowing how our neural wiring can influence sexual feelings. Since...