How Sex is Like Peanut Butter (for the low-libido spouse)
Marriage is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The bread is the foundation, your mutual belief in Jesus Christ. The jelly is experiencing the ups and downs of life as a team. It can be sweet or tart, depending on your particular circumstance. Sex is the peanut...
Piece of Cake….
Are you a matchy-matchy girl, like me? I like buying outfits that coordinate texture, color, or pattern. The other reason I like outfits is because they eliminate the need to make decisions. Mixing and matching pieces in my closet is time consuming and sometimes...
What Spurred My Thaw?
The focus of OysterBed7 is to encourage my low libido sisters. What makes a wife low-libido? There can be several reasons. But, I mainly focus upon low sexual desire due to physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. It could specifically be due to poor relational...
The Power of Prayer in your Sex Life
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Someone’s gotta go first,” in regards to making a change to improve an unhappy marriage? Well, I didn’t go first. Oh, I may have found the resources. However, my husband took the first steps. He showed me what true change...