25 Ways to Serve Your Spouse and Grow Sexual Interest
Healthy Marriage, Healthy Sex Life with the One-Another Passages. This is part of a series to improve your relationship outside of the bedroom which directly effects sexual interest in sexually engaging for a wife who has low desire in sexual intimacy (a.k.a. low...
Friendship Builds Sexual Interest
Healthy marriage, healthy sex life with the one another passages. Because some of us haven’t really seen a healthy marriage or we came into marriage with expectations that weren’t realistic, every Sunday throughout 2020, we will discuss what goes into...
How Care and Concern Can Help Your Sex Life
Healthy marriage, healthy sex life with the one-another Bible passages. Several years ago, I prepared for an endometrial ablation. After talking with veterans of the procedure and reading the informational material from the doctor’s office, I knew the first 36 hours...
My Husband’s Big Belly Turns Me Off. Am I Shallow?
I recently received this message. It’s a good one to consider because obesity is a national problem and a problem that affects marriage in a real way. [info_box type=”alert_box”]“Dear Bonny, I struggle with my desire for sex with my husband because...