4 Ways to Build Acceptance and Sexual Interest
Healthy marriage, healthy sex life, with the one-another passages. Sexual Interest Thrives when You Feel Accepted When it became apparent our marriage was in trouble, sex was a problem. We felt conflict and animosity the most around the bedroom. However, looking...
Check Your Pride and Grow Sexual Interest
Healthy Marriage, Healthy Sex Life, with the one-another passages. How to build a better sex life. I overheard a conversation between two women about a week before Valentine’s Day. The one asked the other, “Am I horrible that I feel if my hubby really loved me, he’d...
My Husband’s Big Belly Turns Me Off. Am I Shallow?
I recently received this message. It’s a good one to consider because obesity is a national problem and a problem that affects marriage in a real way. [info_box type=”alert_box”]“Dear Bonny, I struggle with my desire for sex with my husband because...
Do You Know What a Healthy Marriage and Sex Life Looks Like?
While my young adult kids were here over the Christmas holiday, they binge watched a BBC show called, The Great British Bake-Off. You’ve probably seen it. Having a sweet tooth the size of a baked Alaska, I nearly can’t be in the same room when it’s on. It...