Team Work Makes the Dream Work (and how the 59 “One Another” Bible Passages can help your sex life)
Disclaimers This post is intended for marriages where both spouses are good-willed, even if sexless. When in conflict, at times, your spouse may be grumpy and behave badly, just as you probably do. At each of your cores, however, you are loving and have only good...
Sex’s Primary Job is Not Lust Management
Having dealt with pornography in our marriage, a reader recently asked me to respond to the idea that it is the wife’s obligation to keep her husband sexually satisfied so that he won’t lust. She asks, “What responsibility does the husband have to manage his...
What’s Holding You Back from Passionate Sex?
Would you join me in welcoming, Julie Sibert, to Oysterbed7? Julie’s blog, Intimacy in Marriage, was one of the first Christian sex blogs that I began reading. Her authenticity and humor helped me understand that words like, “Christian,” and,...
I hate sex. But, I’m trying to like it.
“I hate sex, but I’m trying not to.” You might have landed on this blog because a phrase like this is running through your mind. I said a phrase very similar at the beginning of “phase 2” of our marriage. This blog was born in 2012 when I finally cleared...