She said, “Yes!” Now What? Premarital Skills
I have been bursting to share this with you! There is going to be a wedding!Son #2 ran the ‘asking-blended-family-for-his-beauty’s–hand-in-marriage’ gauntlet. First a conversation with biological dad, then with step-dad and then with biological mom. ...
5 Reasons Satan Targets Marriage
This is Week 39 of the book, Unlock Your Libido. Are you looking for keys to help a lagging sex drive? Read more about this easy journey with profound results; Unlock Your Libido: 52-Week Sex Drive Transformation. In Luke 4, Jesus was tempted three times by Satan. ...
5-Star Sex: Guest Post by J @ hotholyhumorous.com
The second of our Blockbuster series is from Christian sexual intimacy writer extraordinaire, J at Hot, Holy, & Humorous.I cannot thank her enough for penning this especially for you, my beautiful readers. She is truly a class act. I learn just as much as you...
Is It OK to Pray for Your Sex Life?
YES. (I was tempted to make this the shortest OysterBed7 post ever, but felt more should be added to clarify….) Not spoken to God in awhile? “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me,” Psalm 27:10. He wants to hear from you. “Draw near...