3 ways to boost sex drive through exercise in disguise (with affiliate links, gotta pay for those hosting fees!)
It’s no secret that exercise is one of the cheapest ways to boost your sex drive. It has the added benefit of helping you get healthy, too! For those of you like me, who hate to sweat, it is difficult to stay committed to an exercise routine. However, if you love (or at least like) what you are doing, it is easier to stay consistent.
“The supreme accomplishment is to blur the lines between work and play,” Arnold J. Toynbee (British historian, 1889-1975).
The trick is, you have to try lots of different forms of exercise to finally figure out what will stick. Sorting through all the rotten routines is worth the perseverance when you finally find “it!”
The best indication you have found your perfect way to move is when you get lost in it and forget the effort you are putting forth.
To spark some thought about exercise that doesn’t seem like exercise, here are three exercises in disguise.
It’s not just for elementary school kids or the bohemian girls at outdoor concerts! Rotating a hula hoop around your waist can help provide aerobic activity and promote agility (hmm, agility…what could that help….bedroom activities, possibly?)
Although you may need to move your car out of the garage in the winter to do it.
Cleaning/Gardening/Lawn Care/Snow Shoveling
Now, this is going to strike some of you as the worst idea ever. But, it’s the truth. The types of movement it takes to do all of these chores is exercise. You may, however, enjoy one of these suggestions. Lots of people like to garden. Personally, I’m one of the weird ones who likes cleaning….well it may be more accurate to say I don’t hate cleaning.
Next time you are doing any of these, put a little extra “umph” into it to raise your heart rate and burn a few more calories.
Dancing, especially with your sweetie, is a fabulous way to exercise. Not all people like to dance. However, I think more people wouldn’t mind dancing if they knew how to do it, especially couples dancing.
If you are uncomfortable dancing in public, here is the perfect way for both you and your spouse to exercise in the privacy of your own home. It’s a new video series I just stumbled upon and it is amazing! It’s called Show Her Off.
Show Her Off
Learn to dance in your living room! This lesson series includes 19 short videos that teach the “social swing dance.” It teaches more than just dance steps. Hunter, the instructor, shares about dance philosophy, which is very romantic! I cannot recommend this program enough! It’s so tasteful, relateable, and casual. Whether you already know a little about dance or nothing at all, you will look like professionals after practicing through this video series.
Honestly, this dance series serves up a double dose of wonderful. First, there is exercise which boosts your physical sexual response. Second, sexual interest starts with connection. This is the perfect way to connect with your guy. Doing something different, while touching and working toward a common goal, builds sexual interest!
You may feel more like Fred & Wilma, but after a few nights of practice, I think your inner Fred & Ginger will make an appearance.
Click here to find out more: SHOW HER OFF
I do get a small commission from this dance series, but I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t feel very positive about it!
Great Resources
Hula Hooping – Mayo Clinic Article