Disclaimer: I was provided with a free product. It came with no stipulations. It did NOT require a review. I am reviewing because I thought it was an excellent product. These thoughts are my own and are not influenced by any company. However, if you choose to purchase this product, I will receive a small commission.
Confession time.
I’m jealous of about 25% of the female population. They have been blessed with an acute sensitivity in their “fun-zone.” They achieve a hands-free, toy-free climax. It’s just them, their beloved, and what God gave them.
Some think penetrative-only orgasm is the “preferred” orgasm.
Freud planted a seed in the psyche of our society that only a strictly vaginal (penetration-only) orgasm matters. He labeled a clitoral orgasm (which includes more direct clitoral stimulation) as “immature” and the penetrative-only orgasm as “mature.” That’s just not true on either count.
I am not here to categorize climaxes. Plain and simple, an orgasm is an orgasm and they have lots of benefits. See: Sex is Cheaper than Plastic Surgery
What Prof. Freud didn’t know is the clitoral network innervates the areas surrounding the vagina. So, technically, a vaginal orgasm is a clitoral orgasm. Take that, Mr. Freud!
(See: The Exquisite Clitoris and Company for a fun little biology lesson. It might help if you have trouble reaching the ultimate moment.)
So, why am I jealous of that 25% if an orgasm is an orgasm? Well, I think it would be nice to connect in that simple way and, frankly, I’d like to have the option. We all need options!
I don’t think I’m alone, am I? I bet there are others out there who want the option of experiencing a hands-free orgasm.
Now, before I go on, I want you to know that I am not opposed to toys, in general. But, I’m not a big fan of extra appliances (sexpliances?), either. They can hinder skin-to-skin contact and hinder connection/intimacy with your husband during lovemaking because you are focused on the gadget. But, on the flip side for ladies who struggle with the ultimate moment, toys can relieve a lot of frustration. Plus, they can be a fun added element. It’s all about balance. (See: What if the batteries died?)
Well, guess what?
For those who have never experienced a hands free O, have hope. Even if you are a sexually hesitant wife, stick with me sweet sister, this may be food for thought.
A hands-free orgasm is possible!
The hands-free miracle worker
Not long ago, Honoring Intimates sent me a surprise. Something that I would never have considered buying. It’s called the We-Vibe Sync.
It’s a U-shaped marvel. It makes hands-free O’s possible because it stimulates two places at once, inside and outside.
This little package of pleasure has the texture of firm silk, so soft and supple. (Texture is important! I buy clothes for how they feel as much as how they look.) It’s not “plastic-y” and has only curved edges.
The We-Vibe Sync provides pleasure for you AND your husband! You see, the rumbley vibrations are felt in both the small end and the large end of the “U.” The smaller end is for G-spot and penile stimulation. The larger end of the “U” is for the exterior, clitoral stimulation.
I love that this plum-sized novelty is for BOTH of you.
How does it work?
If you are a vibrator novice, you may be wondering how this little “U” shaped wonder works?
You insert the small end of the “U” to rest upon the anterior (belly-button) side of your inner vaginal canal (upon the G-spot). The large end of the “U” rests on the exterior near the clitoris.
This may seem intimidating for those who have not used an internal vibrator before. I was in that camp. However, it is very comfortable if you insert it after feeling deliciously spicy and warmed up in the nether-regions. Being warmed-up is the key, plus lubricant. An added bonus, is that you can use the We-Vibe strictly on the exterior during “preliminaries,” if you choose.
Personalize the experience
You can open the “U” wider if needed from what is shown in the picture.
There are several types of rhythms (slow to faster) and rumbles (light to deeper). You can gauge where you are on the pleasure spectrum and adjust accordingly.
It comes with a remote control so that the wife can be in charge of the types of rhythms and vibrations at any given moment. Or, the husband can be in charge if the wife is OK with surprises.
There is also an app for your phone!
The We-Vibe comes in a very discreet case and is rechargeable.
Final Thoughts
Another important aspect of owning an accessory is to cleanse it properly to keep your ladybits healthy. Here is a great cleanser, also from Honoring Intimates. Organic Device Cleanser (Honoring intimates includes a 2 oz. cleaner with each We-Vibe, but it’s good to have extra on hand.)
Variety is more than the spice of life
Aside from a hands-free orgasm, there is another benefit to using an accoutrement every once in awhile.
Variety in lovemaking can actual promote bonding in marriage. Plus, it is good for the health of your brain to experience new things. (See: Sexual Variety and Libido)
Click here to go straight to the We-Vibe page
Been thinking of something different?
This may seem like a huge step if you are sexually hesitant. However, if you’ve been thinking for a different way to approach orgasm, this might be the right thing for you. Honestly, it was a hugely pleasant surprise for us. It might be for you and your sweetie, too. See: We-Vibe Sync at Married Spice (As of 9/2019, Honoring Intimates no longer carries the WeVibe, so I am sending you to Married Dance’s WeVibe page.)
For those challenged in reaching orgasm, check out this series for ladies who struggle, starting with this post, A Window into O’s.

Thanks for the review. I actually have one but haven’t tried it. I’m inspired to give it a try.
Hi Lori! I’d be interested to know your experience, in poetic, vague-yet-not-so-vague language. 😉
🙂 Certainly. It will be a bit though. We are travelling and the vibe is at home.
So a question you can actually have this vibe inserted and your husband fits also? I hate to be so descriptive but I am in the hard to reach o camp without lots of help.
Yes, it all fits. The vaginal canal is meant to stretch (i.e. childbirth). The caveat is you must be good and steamy before insertion. Plus, lots of lubricant.
Thank you for being brave and describing the use of this in “poetic, vague-yet-not-so-vague language. 😉” Most product reviews gloss over the salient details like ample lube and being “good and steamy before insertion.” How many women would consider the vibe a fail if those two details were overlooked on the first and even second use and then throw it into the bottom of a drawer? The same review issues are prevalent in toys/aids for men.
Thanks, Dan. I found those two points to be crucial.