Today’s Pornography Primer

The internet has revolutionized pornography usage.  “No, duh,” you say?  Here are startling facts and figures. The first video is about 5 minutes long.  The second is about 16 minutes long, but well worth the time.  The second video is the most important...
Awaken the Super in Your Man: Unveiled

Awaken the Super in Your Man: Unveiled

Today is sweet Hannah’s final installment of her series, Awaken the Super in Your Man.  This makes me a little sad.  She’s been a joy to work with.Please follow this positive gal at her home blog, Becoming His Eve!  I hope that you...
Awaken the Super in Your Man: Unveiled

Affirm His Gifts (Awaken the Super in Your Man)

OysterBed7 once again welcomes, Hannah, from Becoming His Eve!  Hannah’s home state is Colorado which is experiencing much devastation from flooding right now.  She shares some thoughts about that and how it puts things in perspective.   Hannah’s writing...

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