a locked garden and a sealed spring;
Your branches are a paradise of pomegranates
with choicest fruits, henna with nard,”

to see the blossoms of the valley,
to see if the vines were budding
Song of Solomon 6:11.
let’s see if the vine has budded,
if the blossom has opened,
Song of Solomon 7:12.
The crimson pomegranate is an elegant fruit describing the sensual in the Song of Solomon. God involves truth in all of his words. Sometimes, the truth has a physical element. There’s a study that points to the pomegranate having the potential to influence your sex drive! It’s a little known aphrodisiac.
According to a paper presented by Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland in March 2012, the consumption of pure pomegranate juice enhances moods. The study group, workers from different disciplines, reported less anxiety and overall positive mood. In addition, blood pressure was positively affected (reduced).
The amazing finding of this study has to do with the testing of subjects’ saliva. Their testosterone levels greatly increased!
Pomegranate juice increased salivary testosterone levels by an average of 24%.
24% is an astounding increase!
Testosterone is heavily involved in regulating sex drive. Since women only have about 1/8th the amount of testosterone men have, it makes sense that some women don’t pursue sexual intimacy as actively as their husbands. (Disclaimer: 25% of wives report having the higher drive, not all wives are low libido.) If a low libido wife can increase her body’s testosterone, it may help her be more responsive to letting her beloved, “…come into his garden and taste its choice fruits,” Song of Solomon 4:16.
The abstract doesn’t say how much pomegranate juice was consumed each day. It does say that increased levels of salivary testosterone, up to a 24% increase, were reached after only 2 weeks.
$3.50 will get a jug of pomegranate juice at Walmart! I’m going to take the pomegranate challenge. Hopefully, I’ll be a feisty date for my husband in about 2 weeks.
Who’s with me??
“Unlock Your Libido: 52-week Sex Drive Transformation,” is now available on Kindle!
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Sharing with Beth at Messy Marriage
A Podcast for Your Marriage Bed
I’ve been reading in this same vein since yesterday! I was thinking, there must be something to this pomegranate business!
I’m heading to the store!
Let me know how it works for you!
I wonder if pomegranate and grape juice would work as well… 🙂 I’m in!
Can’t hurt to try, right?
I think the $2.98 jug at Wal Mart has only a small percentage of Pomegranate juice (check to see where it appears in the list of ingredients). We bought 48oz of 100% pure pomegranate juice at Costco yesterday and at Kroger this evening, and they were over $6 each! Good tasting juice. It could be coincidental or psychological, but my wife and I each drank a couple of decent size glasses yesterday, and were both VERY amorous last night – considerably more so than usual. So maybe it doesn’t take 2 weeks?
Thanks for sharing your ‘study notes!’ Sounds like there may be something to all this. I love when science, scripture and intimacy blend into something beautiful!
So…I bought the $10 bottle of pomegranate juice at the health food store yesterday…does anyone else think it tastes like beet juice? Oh well, press on and drink that pomegranate juice!
I personally like beets, but if you don’t, hold your nose and guzzle it down. Let me know if your results lean toward yay or nay in effectiveness!
I love pomegranates, so this is good news to me, Bonnie! I will have to check that juice out the next time I’m at Walmart. Thanks for all you do to resource us in marriage!
Thanks for stopping by, Beth! I just love being able to share fun research to possibly help my low libido sister. Glad you found this news interesting.