Do you have the same kind of questions as this bride?
“I’m about to get married next month and I have no clue about sex. What do I do? What will it feel like? Even though I had the sex talk in school, it still all seems very mysterious to me. I’m a virgin. Plus, I’m scared it’s going to hurt. Can you spell out the basics of sex for a nervous Christian bride and give me advice for my wedding night to avoid pain? How do I flip the switch after all these years of, “No!” screaming in my head?”
~ Scared
Are you scared about your wedding night, too? I’ve written a booklet to calm all your fears. It’s only $2.99 (which helps with my blogging fees). Like your favorite aunt, I’ll guide you through the process with practical and straight forward answers; how to avoid pain, what will it feel like, what to do, and orgasm, among other topics. It’s great for the groom to read, too!!
This booklet will empower you to enjoy your wedding night to the fullest. Click on the link to get your copy today.
Virgin Bride Guidebook: Wedding Night Answers
For beautiful wedding night lingerie, visit Honoring Intimates (no-nudity, Christian store).
Click Here for Honoring Intimates Store
Thinking about lubricants (to make insertion very easy)? Here’s a post about that!
Newlyweds are raving about our podcast, Sex Chat for Christian Wives!
It’s like listening to your favorite aunts sitting around the kitchen table talking candidly about married sex – the good, the bad, and the funny.
WEBINAR REPLAYS (Sex Drive, Foreplay)

A Podcast for Your Marriage Bed
Great post! I actually didn’t know all that stuff about hymens. For my first time, I’d say that intercourse itself didn’t hurt, but I was sore afterward. I was using muscles that hadn’t really been used before, so that wasn’t surprising. Within a day or two, however, it wasn’t an issue. Wishing this bride all the best!
Thanks, J!
I had a septate hymen surgically removed. It was causing pain when my gyn would do my annual exam. That was before we were married. Interesting to know how few women have these different formations. On our wedding night I did not experience any discomfort.
Thank you, very much, for sharing your experience. You’re 1 in a million (or is that 100? 😃)! That’s wonderful you had no problems after the surgery and you healed perfectly! What a blessing and encouragement to others in a similar situation!
As a recent virgin bride, I’ll add a recommendation–go on top. It puts you in control and lets you get comfortable and set the pace. This helps particularly if your groom is eager, inexperienced, or…large.
And AND there is a chance that you might get a UTI after a couple days. You have two environments getting introduced to eachother here. If condoms are an option for you, that’s a good way to ease that introduction and keep you from passing infection back and forth the first month (it was not fun.) Drink plenty of water and keep a good stock of cranberry juice.
Great recommendations, Jo! Thank you. May God abundantly bless your new marriage!