My first son was born organically. “Without the aid of pesticides?” you ask. No, without the aid of DRUGS. It was natural childbirth by default. The little hippie hospital where he was born didn’t offer epidurals or anesthesia unless you needed a C-section.
After the first 5 minutes of ptosin induced labor, I would have killed for a long needle in my spine injecting narcotics.I wanted to support the pharmaceutical industry on the occasion of my first experience with childbirth. But, alas, since it was clear from the first doctor’s appointment it would not be so, I begrudgingly attended Lamaze class.
I found a point to concentrate on that sunny day in September. It was my “focal point” in lamaze jargon. During each contraction, I blocked out all thought and exterior sensation while mentally focusing all energy toward this one thing. My focal point wasn’t a postcard from Paris or a teddy bear. I focused on the inside of my eyelids.
I shut my eyes as each contraction brutally seized my inward focus. Somehow the Lamaze training kicked in. It was amazing how the Lord’s hand was tangibly present. In spite of not remembering whether it was time to pant or ‘Ha,’ I located the immense will to relax every fiber outside of my uterus.
9 hours later, we had a beautiful baby boy.
Internal focus served me well that day. I discovered it was a talent that could be used in other ways. Body awareness is what I now call that internal focus. You can learn it and it can serve you well, too.
You can use body awareness to help describe symptoms to your doctor to aid diagnosis of an ailment. You can also use body awareness to enhance your libido.
Libido’s biggest organ is the brain, but the second biggest ‘organ’ is the body. Perceiving the world mostly through what’s above our necks, it’s easy to forget about this body we carry around.
(It’s important to understand body awareness has nothing to do with body image. Body awareness is an awareness of the sensations inside our skin.)
Being body aware helps inward focus on the pleasure of sexual intimacy during a rendezvous. (Of course, let hubby know if there is ever any pain and adjust accordingly.)
Focusing on your body during lovemaking helps the multi-tasking female brain to quiet. Intentional inward attention can dissolve the cares of the day into a mist. Remember, the key word is intentional. You purposely release your cares while in your husband’s arms. Relaxation has been proven to help wives reach the ultimate moment of orgasm, too!
Body awareness is considered a sixth sense by scientists. Neurologically, body awareness has been defined as residing in the parietal lobe of the brain. The parietal lobe is where the other 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) are seated, as well.
There is proven incidences of the other senses heightening libido, like smells, taste, and touch. I think it’s reasonable to consider body awareness as another way to heighten our sensual nature and sexual interest.
Here’s how to practice finding your body awareness (or sensuality).
Dance is a way to enhance body awareness, especially when you dance to express your emotions. “Dance to express, not impress,”
Exercise helps you understand body awareness. (Gaye at www.calmhealthysexy.com is a great advocate of exercise and all of its sexual benefits; health, function, and pleasure. I agree with her exercise philosophy wholeheartedly. Check her out!)
Massage is another way to promote body awareness. It helps you take notice of the correlation between muscles, touch and relaxation.
This exercise at Psychology Today will help you discover your very own body awareness.
Thanks so much for mentioning me, Bonny. I really appreciate it!