Wow Factor in Marriage
Our south Florida home is finally under contract! So, we are spending a week in Knoxville, TN, house-hunting. We’ve already traipsed through dozens of houses but only a couple got me excited. They had Wow Factor. Wow Factor is a sudden rush of appreciation, almost...
Help! I’m Angry About Sex.
Two things: First, read to the end of this post for an opportunity to see me on a webinar. Second, I take the time to personally answer each email I receive. I haven’t made a habit of posting these questions and my answers, but I’ve decided that maybe more of you...
Grace In The Bedroom
I truly believe, at times, there is no harder place to extend grace than in the bedroom. It is because the pain of sexual betrayal slices into our soft innards. It shakes us like a mega earthquake. It shatters our confidence and stability. Afterall, we are naked...
Life Outside of the OysterBed (6th Blogversary edition)
I wanted to share with you some photos of our past year. My life isn’t much different from yours. Quite a bit of time is spent working on the blog and podcast, but I have other interests and responsibilities. Liberty University Course Work I returned to...