My Son Broke Both of His Legs (and a marriage connection)
At 13, my oldest son broke both of his legs. The tibias in each leg were completely displaced, although not compound through the skin. The fibulas each had a more minor, but spiral type of fracture. He jumped from a 17 foot ledge with the intention of...
Becoming One: Take Two (Abra guest posts for O7)
Today, let’s welcome back, Abra Carnahan of Mere Breath. She’s a sincere and spunky wife and mama of 4. She inspires me because of her committment to her marriage and to the Lord through some tough seasons. Abra set the stage for...
Motherhood Can Be All Consuming
Today, I want to introduce you to Abra Carnahan of Mere Breath. She’s a sincere and spunky wife and mama of 4. What inspires me about Abra’s marriage is their committment to each other and to the Lord through some tough seasons. Abra sets...
Identity Roadblock to a Thriving Sex Life (for mom’s of littles) (and how to break through)
Amanda Uher, of allthelittlepieces (mothering. mildly misbehaving. making life matter) finishes her series for you today. God happened to place this kindred blogging sister in a seat right next to mine, not just once, but twice, at SheSpeaks! We exchanged...